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Sugie, A. 2013. Who takes the initiative and self-responsibility in development? NGOs and  

  rural society in Bangladesh: findings from fieldwork in Tangail. The International  

  Geographical Union 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto International Conference  

  Center(Kyoto, Japan). 

Sugie, A. 2015. The issues on stratification among Muslims in South Asian Regions. The 4th

  International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo,


Sugie, A. 2018. Individualism in rural Bangladesh: towards a comprehensive

 and dynamic understanding of rural society through micro-level studies. The 5th

 International Congress of Bengal Studies, Jahangirnagar University (Savar, Bangladesh).

Sugie, A. 2018. Does microfinance work as a tool for a solidarity economy or

 neoliberalism?: implications for microfinance operations in Bangladesh. The 5th

 International Congress of Bengal Studies, Jahangirnagar University (Savar, Bangladesh).

​Sugie, A. 2018. Do Islamic norms impede inclusive development of women?: a case study of

  Islamic education for women in rural Bangladesh. 10th INDAS-South Asia International

  Conference, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Sugie, A. 2021. Rohingyas in Japan: their status, network and activities. 6th International

 Congress of Bengal Studies (Online).

Khan, S. and Sugie, A. 2021. Challenges Of support for Rohıngya refugees and host 

 communıty in Bangladesh: A focus on water resources in the Teknaf peninsula. 34th  

 International Geographical Congress (Online).

Sugie, A. 2021. The transnatıonal Islamic network between rural Bangladesh and the

 Middle East: focusıng on Bangladeshi migrant workers and returnees. 34th International

 Geographical Congress (Online). 

Sugie, A. 2022. Studies on Islam and Muslims by Japanese during World War II: A Focus on  Geographic Studies. International Geographical Union (Online).


杉江あい 2010.バングラデシュ農村部のローカル市場における「物乞い」の行動.日本地理学会


杉江あい 2012.バングラデシュ村落社会の変容―ヒンドゥーのマイノリティ化に着目して.第55


杉江あい 2012.「物乞い」をめぐる欧米の歴史的過程と地理学.2012年人文地理学会大会.立命


溝口常俊・土屋 純・渡辺和之・杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュの農村地域における定期市の変貌



杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ・タンガイル県における「物乞い」と農村社会の福祉―ショマージ

杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ農村におけるムスリム楽師集落.南アジア学会第26回全国大会.


杉江あい 2014.コミュニティのメンバーシップとカースト―バングラデシュ農村ムスリム楽師集団


杉江あい 2015.バングラデシュ農村におけるムスリムの通婚パターン.日本地理学会2015年春季


杉江あい 2017.バングラデシュ農村におけるジェンダー、身体、空間―当地に嫁いだムスリマとし


杉江あい,日下部尚徳,海津正倫 2019.バングラデシュロヒンギャ難民キャンプにおける地下水資 


Sugie, A. and Khan, S. 2019. Changes and Persistence of Women’s Roles in Rural

 Bangladesh. 71st Annual Meeting of Population Association of Japan. Kagawa University.

杉江あい,海津正倫 2019.バングラデシュロヒンギャ難民キャンプ地帯における水源とその利用.


杉江あい 2020.イスラーム圏で女性が調査する困難―バングラデシュにおけるフィールドワークよ


杉江あい 2021.イスラームとムスリムについて教えるための2つの提案2021年日本地理学会春季学術


杉江あい 2022.第二次世界大戦期における日本人地理学者の「イスラーム世界」論.人文地理学会大


​杉江あい・山本春奈 2023.語れない人びとのための哀悼の場所―「被災地」陸前高田の場所再構築と地


杉江あい 2023.拙著『カースト再考』に残された課題.2023年人文地理学会大会.法政大学.(口頭


Sugie, A. 2010. The vagrants in Bangladesh and Japan. International Seminar on Poverty

 Alleviation and Self-reliance. Haji Abul Hossain Institute of Technology (Tangail,


杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ村落社会のイスラーム化―タンガイル県楽師集落の事例を中心に.


杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ農村における楽師集落の研究.人文地理学会第278回例会.愛知大


杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ農村における「物乞い」の慣行.第46回南アジア研究集会.山喜


杉江あい 2013.バングラデシュ農村における「物乞い」の研究―中間集団に着目して.アジア社会


杉江あい 2016.バングラデシュ村落社会におけるコミュニティの動態.第11回南アジア学会修


杉江あい 2016.バングラデシュ村落社会の変動―社会集団間の関係に着目して.第1回バングラデ

 シュ研究会(INDAS-South Asia京大拠点研究グループ1-A「南アジアの長期発展径路」2016年度


杉江あい 2017.イスラームのトランスナショナル・ネットワークとバングラデシュ村落社会の変


杉江あい 2017.連帯経済vs新自由主義?―バングラデシュ農村におけるマイクロファイナンスを


Sugie, A. 2018. Reconsidering socio-economic development in rural Bangladesh. Bangladesh

 Study Group (KINDAS)–A special seminar with Prof. Willem van Schendel. Kyoto


杉江あい 2018.バングラデシュ農村におけるイスラーム知識の広がりと深化-中東滞在経験者と宗


杉江あい 2018.現代バングラデシュ村落社会の多面性-故原忠彦教授の民族誌と後続の村落研究よ


杉江あい 2019.地理学における難民へのアプローチーロヒンギャ難民の事例をもとに.第5回「移


杉江あい 2020.ムスリムの被差別集団を何と呼ぶか?-バングラデシュ農村における楽師集団の事

 例から.AA 研・共同研究課題研究集会「ダリトは語ることができるか-南アジアの民族誌的研究の


杉江あい 2020.難民キャンプにおけるフィールドワーク―バングラデシュのロヒンギャ難民.第2回新


International conference 

Sugie, A. 2022. Studies on Islam and Muslims by Japanese during World War II: A Focus on  Geographic Studies. International Geographical Union (Online).

Sugie, A. 2021. Rohingyas in Japan: their status, network and activities. 6th International

 Congress of Bengal Studies (Online).

Khan, S. and Sugie, A. 2021. Challenges Of support for Rohıngya refugees and host 

 communıty in Bangladesh: A focus on water resources in the Teknaf peninsula. 34th  

 International Geographical Congress (Online).

Sugie, A. 2021. The transnatıonal Islamic network between rural Bangladesh and the

 Middle East: focusıng on Bangladeshi migrant workers and returnees. 34th International

 Geographical Congress (Online). 

​Sugie, A. 2018. Do Islamic norms impede inclusive development of women?: a case study of

  Islamic education for women in rural Bangladesh.  10th INDAS-South Asia International

  Conference, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Sugie, A. 2018. Individualism in rural Bangladesh: towards a comprehensive

 and dynamic understanding of rural society through micro-level studies. The 5th

 International Congress of Bengal Studies, Jahangirnagar University (Savar, Bangladesh).

Sugie, A. 2018. Does microfinance work as a tool for a solidarity economy or

 neoliberalism?: implications for microfinance operations in Bangladesh. The 5th

 International Congress of Bengal Studies, Jahangirnagar University (Savar, Bangladesh).

Sugie, A. 2015. The issues on stratification among Muslims in South Asian Regions. The 4th   International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo,   Japan).

Sugie, A. 2013. Who takes the initiative and self-responsibility in development? NGOs and  

  rural society in Bangladesh: findings from fieldwork in Tangail. The International  

  Geographical Union 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto International Conference  

  Center(Kyoto, Japan). 

Sugie, A. 2010. The vagrants in Bangladesh and Japan. International Seminar on Poverty

 Alleviation and Self-reliance. Haji Abul Hossain Institute of Technology (Tangail,


Domestic conference

Sugie, A. 2022. Japanese Geographers’ Conception of the “Islamic World” During WWII: A

 Focus on Sekai Seiji Taikei. Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of

 Japan 2017. Bukkyo University. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A. 2021. Two suggestions for teaching Islam and Muslims. The Association of  Japanese Geographers Spring Academic Conference 2021. Online. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A., Umitsu, M. 2019. Water source and use in the Rohingya refugee camps,

 Bangladesh. The Association of Japanese Geographers Autmun Academic Conference 2019.

 Senshu University. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A. and Khan, S. 2019. Changes and Persistence of Women’s Roles in Rural

 Bangladesh. 71st Annual Meeting of Population Association of Japan. Kagawa University.

Sugie, A., Kusakabe, N. Umitsu, M. Mar2019. Groundwater resource and water use in the

  Rohingya refugee camps, Bangladesh. The Association of Japanese Geographers Spring

  Academic Conference 2019. Senshu University. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A. Mar. 2018. Reconsidering socio-economic development in rural

 Bangladesh. Bangladesh Study Group (KINDAS)–A special seminar with Prof. Willem van

 Schendel. Kyoto​ Univerisity.

Sugie, A. Nov.2017. Body, gender and space in rural Bangladesh: from fieldwork experience

 as a Muslima married into a village. Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of

 Japan 2017. Meiji University. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A. Mar.2015. Marriage pattern among Muslims in rural Bangladesh: a comparison

 between generations of several villages in Tangail district. The Association of Japanese

 Geographers Spring Academic Conference 2015. Nihon University. [in Japanese]

Sugie, A. Nov.2014. Community membership and religion/caste: a case of Muslim musician

 community in rural Bangladesh. Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of

 Japan 2014. Osaka City University. [in Japanese] 

Sugie, A. Oct.2013. Muslim musician community in rural Bangladesh. Annual Conference the

 Japanese Association for South Asian Studies. Hiroshima University. [in Japanese] 

Sugie, A. Mar.2013. ‘Beggars’ and the welfare of village society in Tangail District,

 Bangladesh: a comparative study of samaj. The Association of Japanese Geographers

 Spring Academic Conference 2013. Rissho University. [in Japanese] 

Sugie, A. Nov.2012. The historical process of the ‘beggar’ in Europe and America and

 geography. Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of Japan 2012.

 Ritsumeikan University. [in Japanese] 

Sugie, A. May.2012. The change of village society in Bangladesh: the process Hindu become

 minority. The Association of Historical Geographers in Japan General Conference. Nigata

 University. [in Japanese] 

Sugie, A. Oct.2010. ‘Beggars’ and their activities at the local markets in rural Bangladesh.

 The Association of Japanese Geographers Autumn Academic Conference 2010. Nagoya

 University. [in Japanese] 

Presentations English Version
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